Monday, October 4, 2010

Brunelleschi had courage

I believe that Brunelleschi had a lot of courage to create the Florentine Dome...

He had the courage of looking like an idiot in front of his whole nation, but it was a positive outcome. Brunelleschi was a genius that only few recognized, most people thought he was nuts. Except the few like Cosimo De Medici, to be have the courage to stand out from one in a million was huge.

Brunelleschi himself was "apparently" worried the whole building would topple over and fall (the dome part of course.) He did have faith in himself, which brought out his courage. His courage to create a masterpiece. The whole idea was for an egg to free stand on marble, this was the basic idea of the architecture in the dome.

Brunelleschi's actions in the steps to creating the dome, really effected the outcome. For one, he didn't use any scaffolding to create the dome. It was built brick by brick, in a way that if one fell every other brick would fall too. If a person was to jump on the bricks and make commotion the whole building would of fallen and destroyed. His decisions, were to be thorough if the outcome was to be positive. Cosimo believed Brunelleschi was one of the few that could succeed, and if he did, Florence would be seen in the world as a remarkable place.

Of course he did succeed and Florence was forever was remembered for the Dome.


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