Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

New ideas come from a million different places. For me, imagination would be the place where all my ideas are "born". Imagination is where you can think of anything in the world, where it doesn't matter what other people think because they will never know, unless you tell them ofcourse.
But to other people I know, their ideas come from random situations and places. Sometimes, when you are outside playing you come up with the perfect lyrics, or the perfect idea for a party. I think when you are at your happiest, all the good ideas come to you. Most things, dont even come planned. Have you ever heard the story about the kid that left his orange juice outside overnight, and when he came outside in the morning. He had flavoured ice, thus creating the popsicle. Most of the very important things that we are thankful for being invented weren't planned. Ideas come from other people too, maybe some of Da Vinci's paintings weren't all his ideas. Maybe some of his sculptures where his friends ideas. A lot of my ideas come from other people too. Ideas come out of random, but we should be thankful we have people who invent things for us, without them there wouldn't be computers. :)

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