Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Profile L

After doing some test to check what learning profile we are individually I got profile L.

As an individual when I must concentrate and work efficiently, I must be in a peaceful and quiet environment. Where there is no disturbances or annoying sounds. I also learn best through movement, such as 'hands on' activities, or even class outside for a change! When I am able to connect things to myself, focus on the whole picture, context and emotional relevance to myself, I also learn better!

I need to sit where I can process internally, quietly and move without disturbing others. I need to work in a class where we are able to interact and move, instead of sitting down the whole class. I need to move while processing internally with minimal external sensory stimulus. I also need quiet time alone, especially when integrating new ideas and under stress.

Some Brain Gym exercises such as Lazy 8's will help me when I am under stress. Such things calm me down and they are good to do when trying to concentrate. Drawing and writing with the non-dominant hand help me as well.

Some things that people don't understand about me are that I prefer not to follow step-by-step instructions. I also tend to start by imagining the end results, and then intuitively doing what seems right. I may have difficulties communicating, seeing, listening and remembering when I am under stress. As a learner, I will see the whole picture but I won't know where to start to chunk it down into the linear pieces of language to express it. I am under great disadvantage under stress and therefore I will shut down.

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