Friday, March 25, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence

Describe the character of Molly and discuss whether you think she is a hero or not. Give reasons to support your opinion....

In my opinion, Molly is definetely a heroine. Her characteristics are also very heroic, she puts her sister before herself, and she tries to protect her sister and cousin. I also think she is very brave, and smart, brave being how she is taken away from her mother and has to stick up for her sister. Smart being, how she knew when to run away from the 'camp' when the sand storm came. I would never think of doing that if I were in that position. As a heroine she 'saves' people, her sister and cousin, from the camp. Therefore, I think that Molly is definetely a heroine in the movie "The Rabbit Proof Fence."

I also think, that Molly, her sister, and cousin will make it home safely.


  1. Hi Riana,
    Yeah I definitely think that about Molly. She does care for her sister and cousin, but when did she put her sister before her? I think that this does represent Molly's character so far in the movie. =)

  2. It is an OKAY post, I think in may opinion that she is very protective to her sister and her cousin, but you mostly just mention her sister. And how is Molly being a hero by having her sister and cousin run away with her? What are the characteristics that make her do this?
