Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence - Blog Post #2

Recently many Australians have joined in the call for the Australian government to officially say sorry to indigenous Australians, that is, formally express both sorrow and regret, for the past treatment of Aboriginal people.

Dear Australian Government,

As an Australian myself, I believe what you did was very cruel to the Aboriginals. Some of the things you have called them, and said about them is very out of line, and it shows how judgemental people in this world are. You shouldn't call them animals and think that what you are doing to them will help them, because I think they were perfectly happy the way they were before you interuppted their daily lifestyle. The reason they didn't understand that what you are doing for them is good, is because it actually never benefitted the colonization process. You took away their children for the better, when in fact, it made things worse. If you saw how some of the mothers and grandmothers reacted, they were in grief for days, weeks, possibly even months. I think that you should apologize to the ones that were affected the most, in person, and I think that you should now respect the Aboriginal people, that still are in existance with much respect. You should do this because, they are the original Australians, and have every right to their land and you should make sure that you preserve this culture because it is very important to Australia itself. I respect that you tried to 'help' them, but I think that you should have done something more peaceful.

Riana :)

1 comment:

  1. nice job Riana. Yeah I agree with how they thought that they were doing the right thing, when actually it made matters worst. I think you explained why their actions weren't the best really well, and I think that it would definitely change the Aussies mind. =)
